It's all in the recipe-my #GTAUK/SWE video application

It's time to kick it up a notch! (Thanks Emeril) That is the closing line of my GTAUK/SWE video application. This will be my third go around at applying to the Google Teacher Academy and I am really excited at the potential opportunity to attend the academy. With every application, my personal development as a passionate educator and someone who sees the great power of meaningful digital technologies has progressed. Obviously gaining a spot at the coveted academy would be a wonderful goal to achieve, it has really been a helpful process in my professional development.
My decision to structure my video application around the analogy of a recipe is based on the utmost importance of fine ingredients (teachers, students, parents and resources) that go into creating a dish and not so much the actual final product. I tried my best to illustrate this vital link in my video and am looking forward to hearing back from Google. If after you view the video I appreciate any words of constructive feedback.    
