BLC14 Session 1: Stories That Move, Stories That Matter

Stories That Matter, Stories That Move-Paul & Peter Reynolds 

Fablevision-uses media, storytelling and technology to teach and move the world to a better place. If you haven't heard of this company or Paul & Peter (I hadn't) then I suggest following them on Twitter and getting your hands on their books. Some of their books are: The Dot, Blue Shoe, Living Forever, Ish, North Star, He Was Me and Above and Beyond. These are all fantastic message books.

It was a real pleasure spending an hour and a bit with these two gentlemen. They are story tellers and know the true power of stories from a learning perspective. Going into the presentation, I thought it was going to be about how to tell an effective story; something I don't consider myself to be very good at. It not only touched on that, but also and more importantly, the need to inspire students to learn through stories.

There message was clear-one moment can change a student's life! So take the time to inspire. I also really connected with a question they posed and encourage to pose to students-What's Your Mission and How would you share it with the world? I think many students my not know their mission, but that's why it is so great...create one! Use these questions to help.

  • Where have you been?
  • Where are you now?
  • Where are you going?
  • Where do you want to be going?

A few other tidbits I picked up was a discussion about self-concept. Apparently at the age of 12 yrs. old the attributes of self-concept start to harden. So the question that was tabled was, how do I design myself if I at 12 yrs. old I start to believe I can't do certain things? As educators, we need to encourage students to "become the most powerful version of themselves."
