BLC14 Session #2: Document Your Learning-Collecting Evidence Along The Way

"If your nouns suck, your verbs need to be good"-Marcos Torres

This session was high paced and practical. Led by the team from Alas Media, (Marco Torres, Rosa & Elizabeth Ruvalcaba) this organization has a clear vision and well structured plan to not only document learning, but to also give students the scaffolding they need to create effective video.

Here are my take aways:

  1. Like I said above, if your nouns suck, your verbs need to be good
  2. If you don't have the grades, have a good portfolio
  3. Figure out what you love and then figure out how to best showcase it
  4. Then find the most effective tools and resources to leverage it
When creating a video for whatever reason follow the 5P's
PLAN-> brainstorm, mind map, breakdown product and process (most time consuming step)
PRODUCE-> pre-production, production, post-production ie. assemble the ingredients
PRESENT-> present-how you perform
PHEEDBACK-> what worked, didn't work, what changes need to be made
PROMOTE-> marketing and sharing online

Here are some resources that Alas Media team recommended that will aid in documenting learning.
Marco Torres on Google+- +marco torres on Twitter @torres21

Thanks for a great session and I look forward to sharing this with my colleagues and students. 
