The Hour of Code and Mulgrave meets the CBC Early Edition for an interview

Have you heard of the Hour of Code? Well at Mulgrave School for the past two years we have participated in this event and it is becoming more and more popular with every year. The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics. The event is tied into the Computer Science Education Week in the US. This year, its goal was to reach over 100 million people and expose them to the fundamentals of computer coding. 
At Mulgrave School we ran the event and many of our Jr. and Sr. school classes took up the challenge. The event is becoming popular because the many skills that coding involves: creativity, problem solving, collaboration and critical thinking to name a few. As a result of our participation, the CBC Early Edition reached out to do an interview with me and one of my students to highlight what was motivating us to engage in this event. 

Early is an understatement for the hour in which we had to be up to get ready for the live in studio interview with Rick Cluff, the host of the Early Edition. However, after a large cup of coffee, I was ready to tell all about the importance of why we think coding is important to teach our students. The interview lasted all of seven minutes, most of which was spearheaded by my very capable and well spoken grade 6 student Alyza. She did a fantastic job telling Rick about why coding is interesting, fun and an important skill to learn. 

Here is a link to the article that was published on the CBC later that day. Thanks very much to the Mulgrave Communications team for setting up the interview and picking me up at an ungodly hour. It was a great experience. 
