iOS iPad Summit Mulgrave 2016

Here are the resources for my presentation on Google Classroom 101. This presentation is an introduction to Google Classroom. Below you will find a link to the Google Slide presentation as well as the slide deck itself.

Please feel free to view and/or make a copy and see how you see fit.

Google Classroom has transformed my classroom workflow in numerous ways. Here are a few examples:

  • Announcements-daily announcements regarding assigned work, homework or general reminders
  • Assignments-Classroom easily allows the creation and sharing of files like Google Docs, Slides etc. It even creates a copy, names it and files it. Assignments include a due date, commenting and editing rights as well as grading options
  • Questions-Classroom question function allows teachers to pose questions in which students can easily respond to. This is a great way to gather formative assessment information
  • Calendar-Assignments are automatically added to Google Calendar
  • Resources-under the About section all course materials are loaded for easy referral and reference Slide Presentation

